BioEnergo is at heart of global movement to reduce traffic carbon dioxide by producing advanced biofuels.


Our goal is to help our clients reduce the carbon footprint of their fuels by providing them with a wide range of 2nd generation RED II compliant biofuels with low carbon footprint.


BioEnergo I in Pori Finland is designed for optimal production of 2nd generation BioEthanol and liquified BioGas for traffic fuel use. Bioenergo biofuels are produced using renewable softwood sawdust sourced from local sawmills.

BioEnergo traffic fuels achieve approximately 100%* life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) saving compared to the fossil fuel reference value of 94 g CO2-eq/MJ given in EU Renewable energy directive II. (*Including CCU CO2 capture)

200 000 dry tons sawdust

BioEthanol for 400 000 cars

BioGas for 15 000 cars

6650 km green asphalt