As part of the EIA process, a public meeting was organized to local people and interested parties. The meeting was published a.o. in a local newspaper. Some 70 people participated to the meeting.
The meeting was opened by senior inspector Petri Hiltunen from Varsinais-Suomi Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, who welcomed all the participants. He also described the legal background of the EIA and the related processes.
Timo Saini, chairman of BioEnergo, briefed the participants of BioEnergo’s plans. He also described in detail the selection process behind choosing Yyteri industrial site as preferred location to BioEnergo’s bioconversion plant.
Project manager Sirpa Torkkeli from Sweco presented EIA program of the project.
The presentations were followed by lively questions and answers in various related areas, covering wastewater, smell, noise, traffic a.o.
All the questions were noted and are relevant material in EIA. A second public meeting will be organized in later spring, to release more in detail the findings of EIA program.
‘Very fruitful discussion,’ commented Timo Saini the outcome of the meeting. ‘Of course, all legal restrictions will be followed, but as important is keeping local people well informed of the plant status and outcome’, added Saini.